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Agreement for Collection and Use of Personal Information / Privacy Policy

IMKASID 2022 website provides online pre-registration for International Meeting on intestinal diseases in conjunction with the annual congress of the Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases. By providing personal information, you will be able to pay for registration and attend the congress.
Items of Personal Information Collection
To complete online pre-registration, you will be asked to fill out your country, name, degree, institution/organization, CME Credit, address, mobile/phone number, and E-mail.
Retention and Use of Personal Information
IMKASID 2022 collects and retains personal information for the duration of the congress and will use to provide certain services such as newsletters and any updates on the congress.

Personal Information

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Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases
31, Seolleung-ro 86-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06193, Korea
Tel. +82-2-957-6145 l Fax. +82-2-957-6146 l E-mail:
IMKASID 2022 Secretariat
Tel. +82-2-6411-7380, 7311  |  Fax. +82-2-6411-7399  