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Presentation Guidelines for Invited Speakers

The congress will be held in both ONSITE and VIRTUAL. We would like to invite you to give “ONSITE” lectures at the congress venue. However, depending on the COVID-19 pandemic situation, the option of “VIRTUAL (Pre-recorded lectures)” participation will be also available. The IMKASID 2022 office is closely monitoring the COVID-19 pandemic situation and is going to contact each speaker about any changes in presentation format. Please read the presentation type and time below carefully and contact us if you have any questions. 

Presentation Guidelines for Abstract Presenters
(KASID Plenary Session, Free Paper Session, Poster Oral Presentation)

The congress will be held in both ONSITE and VIRTUAL, therefore, you can choose to deliver your abstract presentation either ONSITE (KASID Plenary Session and Free Paper Session) or VIRTUAL (Poster Oral Presentation by recording). If ONSITE participation is not feasible, abstracts can be presented via virtual recording. Please read the presentation type and time below carefully and contact us if you have any questions.

Presentation Type & Methods

Category Presentation Q&A
Overseas Speakers Symposium (S1,2,3,4,6,7,8) Onsite* Onsite*
Joint Symposium
Onsite* Onsite*
KASID Special Lectures Onsite* Onsite*
Region-Specific Forum Onsite* Onsite*
IMOTICON Onsite* Onsite*
Luncheon Symposium Onsite* Onsite*
KASID Plenary Session Pre-recording or Onsite Online or Onsite
Free Paper Session Pre-recording or Onsite Online or Onsite
Poster Oral Presentation Pre-recording Through virtual platform
Korean Speakers Symposium (S1,2,3,4,6,7,8) Onsite Onsite
Symposium 5 (Challenging Cases in IBD) Onsite Onsite
Joint Symposium
Onsite Onsite
KASID Special Lectures Onsite Onsite
IMOTICON Onsite Onsite
Luncheon Symposium Onsite Onsite
Breakfast Symposium Onsite Onsite
KASID Plenary Session Onsite Onsite
Free Paper Session Onsite Onsite
Poster Oral Presentation Pre-recording Through virtual platform
IMKASID for Young Researchers Onsite Onsite
Nurse Forum Onsite -

*Virtual option will be available for overseas speakers who are not able to attend the meeting onsite because of COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Presentation Time

Session Type Allocated Time Template
Symposium (S1,2,3,4,6,7,8) 20 min. (17 min. Presentation + 3 min. Q&A) + 10 min. (Discussion after all presentations) Lecture Presentation
Template Download
Oral Presentation
Template Download
Symposium 5
(Challenging Cases in IBD)
30 min. (Case Presentation + Discussion)
Joint Symposium
20 min. (17 min. Presentation + 3 min. Q&A) + 10 min. (Discussion after all presentations) 
KASID Special Lectures 20 min. (17 min. Presentation + 3 min. Q&A)
Region-Specific Forum 15 min. (15 min. Presentation) + 15 min. (Discussion after all presentations)
IMOTICON 22 min. (10 min. Case Presentation + 10 min. Q&A + 2 min. Short Review)
Luncheon Symposium 25 min. (20 min. Presentation + 5 min. Q&A)
Breakfast Symposium 20 min. (15 min. Presentation + 5 min. Q&A)
KASID Plenary Session 15 min. (11 min. Presentation + 4 min. Q&A)
Free Paper Session 10 min. (7 min. Presentation + 3 min. Q&A)
Poster Oral Presentation 5 min. (Maximum 5 min. Recording)
IMKASID for Young Researchers 10 min. (7 min. Presentation + 3 min. Q&A)
Nurse Forum 20 min. (20 min. Presentation + No Q&A)

*Virtual option will be provided if overseas speakers are not able to attend the meeting onsite because of COVID-19 pandemic situation.

Guidelines for Abstract Presenters

   (1) KASID Plenary Session & Free Paper Session

Selected Abstracts at KASID Plenary Session and Free Paper Session will be presented onsite and be live-streamed as well.

Category Guidelines
KASID Plenary Session & Free Paper Session Selected abstracts at KASID Plenary Session and Free Paper Session can be delivered onsite or by pre-recorded presentations.

   (2) Poster Oral Presentation, Poster Exhibition

Poster Oral Presentations and Poster Exhibitions will be uploaded online and they will be able to be viewed through the virtual platform during the event (May 13~14).

Category Guideline
Poster Oral Presentation Poster Oral Presentation will be uploaded to the virtual platform. The pre-recorded presentation file should not exceed 5 minutes. Any questions regarding the presentation can be sent to Presenting Author through the virtual platform.
Poster Exhibition Poster Exhibition will be displayed via Digital Signage onsite and will also be uploaded at the virtual platform. Any questions regarding the presentation can be sent to the Presenting Author through the virtual platform.

*PPT should be less than 10 slides (excluding the title slide).

   (3) Session Code

# Session Type Session Code
1 IMKASID Educational Workshop EW
2 Symposium S
3 Region-Specific Forum RSF
4 KASID-MISGKAI Joint Symposium MJS
5 KASID-GESST Joint Symposium KGJS
6 Luncheon Symposium LS
8 IMKASID for Young Researchers EW
# Session Type Session Code
9 KASID Plenary Session PS
10 KASID Special Lectures SL
11 Oral Presentation (Free Paper) OP
12 Poster Oral Presentation PO
13 Poster Exhibition PE
14 Breakfast with Master BM
15 Nurse Forum NF

For Onsite Presentation Speakers More

Presentation File Format
Language English
Screen Ratio
(Presentation File Format)

PowerPoint 16:9 size

The recommended aspects ratio of presentation file (PowerPoint Slides) is 16:9.
Font & Image Default font provided by Microsoft 365. Images should be in JPG, GIF or BMP format.
First Slide (title slide) The followings must be included on the first slide (title slide) of your file:
Abstract Title, Presenter’s Name and Co-authors' Names, Affiliation, and Country.
Submitting the Presentation File
1. Pre-Submission
Invited Lectures & Oral Presentation (KASID Plenary Session, Free Paper Session)
Deadline for File Submission May 6(Fri), 2022
How to Submit
  • The presentation file name must be “Your Session Code_Name”. ex) PS_Name
  • Click “Upload
* Please check your Code No. which has been sent via E-mail.
File Name Your Session Code_Name
ex) PS_Name
File Submission Please submit your presentation materials (MS PowerPoint file.)
2. How to upload
Please upload your PowerPoint file to the link provided.
Category File Format Upload Deadline
KASID Plenary Session PowerPoint Upload May 6(Fri), 2022
Free Paper Session PowerPoint Upload May 6(Fri), 2022
3. Onsite Preview & Final Submission
Please visit the Preview Room at least 1 hour before your scheduled presentation and bring your presentation files on a USB flash drives.
*Presenters will be asked to check their presentation files in our system to ensure they are working correctly.
4. Preview Room Operating Hours
Date May 13(Fri) ~ 14(Sat)
Time May 13 - 07:00~17:30
May 13 - 07:00~16:20
  • Session rooms will be equipped with a computer, projector, and microphone.
  • The podium will be equipped with a monitor, microphone, mouse.
  • We DO NOT recommend using your own laptop computer for your presentation to avoid problems with computer-projector compatibility.

** However, if you must use your own device such as Apple Macintosh, Apple Keynote, or Personal laptop computer, please visit the onsite preview room and bring your Mini Display Port-VGA Adapter.

Before your Presentation
  • Please be sure to keep your presentation within the allotted time in consideration of the next speaker.
  • Arrive at the session room at least 10 minutes before your session begins.
  • You will be responsible for controlling/advancing your presentation slides.

For Pre-recorded Presentation Speakers More

Presentation File Format
Language English
Screen Ratio
(Presentation File Format)

PowerPoint 16:9 size

The recommended aspects ratio of presentation file (PowerPoint Slides) is 16:9.
Font & Image Default font provided by Microsoft 365. Images should be in JPG, GIF or BMP format.
First Slide (title slide) The followings must be included on the first slide (title slide) of your file:
Abstract Title, Presenter’s Name and Co-authors' Names, Affiliation, and Country.
How to Record and Submit Your File
We strongly suggest you to use ‘MS PowerPoint’ for pre-recording your presentation:
1. How to upload
Please upload your video file to the link provided.
Category File Format Upload Deadline
Invited Lecture PowerPoint & mp4 Upload April 29(Fri), 2022
KASID Plenary Session PowerPoint & mp4 Upload April 29(Fri), 2022
Free Paper PowerPoint & mp4 Upload
Poster Oral Presentation mp4 Upload
KASID Plenary Session & Free Paper Session
How to Submit Please upload both recorded presentation file (mp4) and MS PowerPoint file via Dropbox.
  • The presentation file name must be “Your Session Code_Name”. ex) PS_Name
  • Click “Upload
* Please check your Code No. which has been sent via E-mail.
File Name PS_Presenter Name (Session Code._Presenter’s Name), i.e. PS_Gildong Hong
File Submission Please submit both recorded presentation file (mp4) and MS PowerPoint file.
Poster Oral Presentation
Deadline for File Submission April 29(Fri), 2022
How to Submit Please upload the recorded presentation file (mp4) via Dropbox.
  • The presentation file name must be “Your Session Code_Name”. ex) Session Code_Presenter Name
  • Click “Upload
* Please check your Code No. which has been sent via E-mail.
File Name PO_Presenter Name_Presenter Name (Session Code._Presenter’s Name), i.e. PO_Gildong Hong
File Submission Please submit both recorded presentation file. (mp4)
2. Recording Tips
Before you start presentation
  • Use or earphone with microphone
  • During recording, use the keyboard instead of the mouse to move on to the next presentation slides to prevent mouse sounds from being recorded.

Guidelines for Poster Exhibition

Poster Exhibition MS PowerPoint Slides will be displayed via Digital Signage onsite via Digital Signage onsite and will also be uploaded at the virtual platform. Presentation slides can include pictures, graphs, and tables, and should be no more than 10 slides (excluding the title slide).

Poster Type

Category File Format Upload Deadline Remarks
Poster Exhibition MS PowerPoint File (PPT) Upload April 29(Fri), 2022 Any questions regarding the presentation can be sent to the Presenting Author through the virtual platform.

How to prepare your Poster Exhibition

Presentation Presentations selected as Poster Exhibition will NOT have allocated presentation time, and they will be displayed as e-Posters during the congress.
Comment Please make sure to meet the submission deadline. Files submitted after the deadline may NOT be uploaded on the virtual platform.
Poster display Your Poster will be displayed via Digital Signage onsite and will also be upload at the virtual platform.
File Name PE_Gildong Hong (Session Code._Presenter’s Name), i.e. PE_Gildong Hong
Language English
Format MS-PowerPoint (MS Office 2013, 2016, 2019~)
Poster Exhibition: PPT
Screen Ratio
(Presentation File Format)

PowerPoint 16:9 size

The recommended aspects ratio of presentation file (PowerPoint Slides) is 16:9.
Number of Slides Maximum 10 Slides (excluding the title slide)
Font Default font provided by MS 365
First Slide (title slide) The followings must be included on the first slide (title slide) of your file: Abstract Title, Presenter’s Name and Co-authors' Names, Affiliation, and Country.
◆ How to Submit your File
Poster Exhibition
Deadline for File Submission April 29(Fri), 2022
How to Submit Please upload the presentation file (MS PowerPoint) via Dropbox.
  • The presentation file name must be “Your Session Code_Name”. ex) Session Code._Presenter Name
  • Click “Upload
* Please check your Code No. and it has been sent via E-mail.
File Name PE_Gildong Hong (Session Code._Presenter’s Name), i.e. PE_Gildong Hong
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Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases
31, Seolleung-ro 86-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06193, Korea
Tel. +82-2-957-6145 l Fax. +82-2-957-6146 l E-mail:
IMKASID 2022 Secretariat
Tel. +82-2-6411-7380, 7311  |  Fax. +82-2-6411-7399  