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The IMKASID 2022 Organizing Committee is delighted to announce distinguished awards will be offered to participating abstract submitters. Make your submission today and you will be automatically considered for generous prizes. Following review by the scientific committee, the 78 most outstanding abstracts will be selected for KASID Best Oral Presentation Award , Young Investigator Awards, Distinguished Investigator Awards,  KASID Best Poster Award  and Travel Grants.

Submit your outstanding abstracts and get the chance to win awards!

Award and Grant Opportunities


  • A total of 28 awardees will be selected.
KASID Best Oral Presentation Award USD 1,000 l 4 Awardees
  • Prize: USD 1,000
  • Number of winners
    • 4 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
  • Eligibility
    • All presenters of the KASID Plenary Session will be awarded a certification and a prize.
    • A prize of USD 1,000 each will be given to the presenters.
    • The applicant must complete payment of registration fee and present the abstract at the IMKASID 2022.
Young Investigator Award USD 300 l 6 Awardees
  • Prize: USD 300
  • Number of winners
    • 6 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
  • Eligibility
    • Nominees for the award must be the presenting author of the accepted abstract.
    • The applicant must complete payment of registration fee and present the abstract at the IMKASID 2022.
Distinguished Investigator Award USD 300 l 8 Awardees
  • Prize: USD 300
  • Number of winners
    • 8 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
  • Eligibility
    • Nominees for the award must be the presenting author of the accepted abstract.
    • The applicant must complete payment of registration fee and present the abstract at the IMKASID 2022.
KASID Best Poster Award USD 200 l 10 Awardees
  • Prize: USD 200
  • Number of winners
    • 10 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
  • Eligibility
    • The applicant should be a participant who presents an abstract accepted for Poster.
    • The applicant must complete payment of registration fee and submit the Poster file to IMKASID 2022.


  • A total of 220 awardees will be selected.
  • You can be a recipient of the e-Travel Grant even without submitting an abstract.
Travel Grant USD 1,000 l 50 Awardees
  • Prize: USD 1,000
  • Number of winners
    • 50 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
  • Eligibility
    • Applicant must be registered for the congress and complete the payment of registration fee by April 11, 2022.
    • Applicant must attend the IMKASID 2022 in person (Busan, Bexco) and submit the personal ID (such as passport).
    • Priority will be given to applicants from countries with limited opportunities to attend educational and training activities.
Academic Grant USD 150 l 50 Awardees
  • Prize: USD 150
  • Number of winners
    • 50 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
  • Eligibility
    • The applicant must complete payment of registration fee and present the abstract at the IMKASID 2022.
 E-Travel Grant USD 60 l 120 Awardees
  • Prize: USD 60
  • Number of winners
    • 120 awardees will be selected after abstract review by the scientific committee.
  • Eligibility
    • Applicants must be from a country listed on the “DAC List of Aid Recipients” classified by the OECD.
    • Abstract submission is not required to be eligible for the grant.
    • If you submitted an abstract but are not as the presenting author, you are eligible for the grant. (Presenting authors may not apply.)
    • (Grant Consideration) Participants who are student, trainee, resident, nurse, and technician have priorities.


  • All abstracts submitted by the deadline March 21 (Mon), 2022  will be considered.
  • The candidate must be the presenting author of an accepted abstract, register, and attend the congress.


  • The scientific committee will review and judge the abstracts.
  • Awardees will receive a notification of results via E-mail on March 30 (Wed), 2022.

How to Receive the Award & Others

  • Awardees will receive the award by wire transfer after the congress.
  • Additional support such as registration fees (except travel grant recipients) and accommodation will not be provided.
  • If you have any questions, please contact
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Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases
31, Seolleung-ro 86-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06193, Korea
Tel. +82-2-957-6145 l Fax. +82-2-957-6146 l E-mail:
IMKASID 2022 Secretariat
Tel. +82-2-6411-7380, 7311  |  Fax. +82-2-6411-7399  