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COVID-19 FAQ (Updated on March 21, 2022)

Last Updated on March 21, 2022
Subject to change as directed by local authorities

Please note that irrespective of regulations to enter Korea, the following rules apply for participation in the IMKASID 2022 Congress.

IMKASID 2022 has prepared hygiene and safety measures according to Korean regulations.

As a pre-condition for this congress as a continuing medical education event, a COVID-19 prevention concept must be submitted
and approved by the health authorities. The COVID-19 prevention concept includes trained staff monitoring the safety measures throughout the congress center.
All registered Congress delegates are obliged to follow these instructions.

Q. Where can I check the entry requirements and quarantine measures of Korea?
A. You can find the latest information on the policy for travelling to Korea at the embassy of each country.
Please refer to the announcements on the website or contact related embassy.

Use the link below to search for embassy of each country in Korea.

Q. What’s the procedure after entering Korea?
A. If you have vaccinated in Korea or have already registered your vaccination history in Korea after being vaccinated overseas, your history of vaccination in Q-code is automatically linked through the COOV system.
If you completed vaccination but have not registered in Korea yet, quarantine exemption can be applied from 1 APR 2022 by entering the vaccination history directly to the Q-code and attaching your vaccination certification.

** Foreign nationals who reside in Korea or have long-term foreign residents/Korean as family may self-quarantine at their place of residence
    once the place is confirmed (within third cousin, direct descendant).

** If not applicable, foreign nationals must serve the quarantine at a designated government facility at their own cost.

   1. PDF: Quarantine Management Flow Chart for Overseas Entrants (Entrants via an Airport) Download
   2. South Korea immigration regulations (KOREAN AIR)
      : You can find more information on entry requirements and quarantine regulations for inbound travelers from the link below.
   3. Quarantine regulations (Incheon Airport)

Q. What documents do I need to prepare when entering Korea?
A. Please prepare the following documentation:
    - COVID-19 PCR negative certificate tested within 48 hours before the departure date

**For more information on negative PCR test results, please refer to the reference below.


Q. What if I am unable to be vaccinated against COVID-19 for medical reasons?
A. All participants enrolled in the Congress must submit a COVID-19 vaccination certificate to enter the venue.
     lf participant is unable to be vaccinated due to medical reasons, negative PCR test result will allow the participant to enter the venue.

**Bear in mind that COVID-19 PCR test result is only accepted if it is negative and tested within 48 hours before departure.
    Please refer to the related PDF files (#2) under the REFERENCE above.

**If it is difficult to join the Congress in person due to such reasons, you can participate through virtual platform.

Q. Can I be exempted from quarantine?
A. From 21 MAR 2022 (Monday), all inbound travelers to South Korea who are fully vaccinated overseas and have a valid registration are exempted from 7 days quarantine. From 1 APR 2022 (Friday), all inbound travelers to South Korea who are fully vaccinated overseas but do NOT have a valid registration are also exempted from 7 days quarantine. Exemption for quarantine applies to those who are 14 days after vaccination and within 180 days of second vaccination (one vaccination for Janssen) according to the World Health Organization (WHO) emergency approval vaccination completion criteria. There are 10 WHO emergency approved vaccines: Pfizer, Moderna, AstraZeneca, Janssen, Novavax, Sinopharm, Sinobag, Kobe Shield, Kovacs, Kovovacs.
  However, considering the risk of each country and domestic quarantine situation, countries with high risk are subject to quarantine even if they have completed vaccination. The 4 countries excluded from quarantine exemption are Pakistan, Uzbekistan, Ukraine, and Myanmar.”

Q. How can I check the location and cost of the temporary quarantine facility?
A. You will receive information on the location or cost of temporary quarantine facilities after entering the country.

Q. Is it possible to move to another location right after entering the country?
A. It is possible to move to other regions on the day of entry. The use of the quarantine transportation network (quarantine taxis, KTX-designated section, etc.) will be suspended from 1 APR 2022, considering the burden of governments due to the domestic quarantine situation, and all inbound travelers will be allowed to use public transportation.
Among the current 3 COVID tests conducted for all inbound travelers (before entering the country, the first day of entering the country, and the 6-7 days after entering the country), the rapid antigen testing is allowed for the last test (6-7days after entering the country).   

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상단으로 이동

Korean Association for the Study of Intestinal Diseases
31, Seolleung-ro 86-gil, Gangnam-gu, Seoul, 06193, Korea
Tel. +82-2-957-6145 l Fax. +82-2-957-6146 l E-mail:
IMKASID 2022 Secretariat
Tel. +82-2-6411-7380, 7311  |  Fax. +82-2-6411-7399  