Abstract Submission
The IMKASID 2022 Organizing Committee cordially invites you to submit abstracts. All congress abstracts must be submitted online via the "Abstract Submission." Submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee. Accepted abstracts will be presented as oral or poster presentations and will be published in the abstract book.
Please read the guidelines carefully before submitting your abstract.
Important Dates
Abstract Submission Deadline
By March 21, 2022
Notification of Abstract Acceptance
March 30 (Wed), 2022
Deadline for Presenter Registration
April 25 (Mon), 2022
Steps for Submission
Sign-up or Log in
If you are already signed-up on this website, you can use the account for your abstract submission.
Submit your abstract
Fill out author and abstract information and click “Save and Next” button.
Confirmation Letter
After your abstract submission, a confirmation letter will be sent to you via
My Page
To review or modify your submitted abstracts, visit
‘My Page’ until the submission deadline.
Acceptance Notification
An acceptance notification will be sent to you via E-mail.
Abstract Topic
- Inflammatory bowel disease
- Colorectal neoplasm
- Functional LGI disorder
- Colonoscopy and small bowel endoscopy
- Small bowel disorder and nutrition
- Microbiome
- Miscellaneous
Submission Guidelines
- Abstract Format
- Title: Max 30 words
- Body: Max 300 words
- Up to 3 graphs/tables or images
All abstracts must be submitted online via the IMKASID 2022 website. Abstracts submitted by E-mail, fax or post will NOT be accepted.
Abstracts must be written in clear English and submitted prior to Korea Standard Time 23:59 p.m., March 21 (Mon), 2022.
The abstract should be objective and concise, including key information in its four section: Background/Aim, Methods, Results, Conclusions.
It is the responsibility of the authors to ensure that their text does not contain typos or grammatical errors.
Authors have the option of choosing their presentation type (oral presentation, poster oral presentation or poster exhibition). However, the scientific committee will make the final decision on presentation type after review of abstracts.
Authors may further edit and modify submitted abstracts until the submission deadline on “MY PAGE”.
A confirmation of receipt of the abstract will be automatically sent to the submitter, the presenting author and corresponding author by E-mail upon their on-line submission. Therefore, please submit the right contact details. otherwise, the presenter will not receive important information about his/her presentation.
The right to publish your abstract is granted to the IMKASID 2022 Organizing Committee.
The presenting author must register for the meeting during the period of pre-registration. If the presenting author does not complete registering with full payment by April 25 (Mon), 2022, the abstract will be withdrawn.
If on-line submission is not possible, please contact the Secretariat at imkasid@innon.co.kr
- An acceptable structure of an abstract must consist of the following components:
Background/Aim |
A statement of the hypothesis or research question. |
Methods |
An explanation of the study design and experimental methods used. |
Results |
A concise summary of the major findings of the experiment or study. Sufficient data must be provided to permit evaluation by the reviewers and public reading of the abstract. Statements such as “the data will be discussed” are not acceptable. |
Conclusions |
Summary of the overall findings and the importance of the study. |
- Corresponding author's contact details: E-mail address
- Name (s) of presenting author and co-authors: First name (s) or Initials of First name (s), Family name (e.g. Sam Lee).
- Affiliation details of all authors: Department, Institution/Hospital, City and Country. Affiliation (s) should be annotated by superscript numbers.
Tables, Graphs and Images
- The total number of tables/graphs/images should not exceed three.
- The uploading of graphs, tables, or images counts for 200 words.
- The maximum file size of each graph/image is 500 KB.
- The maximum pixel size of the graph/image is 600 (w) x 800 (h) pixel.
- You may upload graphs in JPG, GIF or PNG format.
Notification of Acceptance
- All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Scientific Committee according to standard review procedures.
- Notification of acceptance will be sent by E-mail to corresponding and presenting authors by March 30 (Wed), 2022.
Withdrawal of Abstracts
- If the presenting author of an accepted abstract does not register April 25 (Mon), 2022, the abstract will be automatically withdrawn from the final program.
- If you would like to withdraw an abstract, please notify the IMKASID 2022 Secretariat (imkasid@innon.co.kr) in writing as soon as possible.